The Work and Enterprise Institute
The Work & Enterprise Institute at Affinity 2020 CIC is a specialist post 16 college for young people who are care experienced with an Educational Health and Care Plan.
Unlock your potential
Do you like to work in small groups?
Do you like to explore learning creativity?
Do you want to challenge yourself?
Do you want to explore what your future could be? And how you can be supported to achieve your goals?
The Work & Enterprise Intitute may be for you!
We want to establish opportunity for all through;

Learning to lead safe and healthy lifestyles and to be fully engaged in positive wellbeing.

Developing life skills to become self-sufficient and sustainable.

Building aspiration and motivation to achieve all goals – to build lifelong learners.

Becoming responsible citizens who make a positive contribution to society.

Achieving a suite of qualifications which ensure that the next stages of education, training and work are accessible.

Our goal is to provide support, training, education and pastoral care to ensure all students can achieve success at the Institute and beyond – to provide future pathways and opportunities built upon firm foundations.
Curriculum Organisation
All students study towards Mathematics and English qualifications. They are supported individually as well as through groupwork to ensure that their very highest standards are reached.
Students have access to the ‘Preparing for Adulthood’ qualification and develop the skills necessary to build an independent and sustainable future. Students also have the opportunity to achieve at least six qualifications which will support future aspirations and routes to higher education, training and the world of work.
All students have the opportunity to study towards work related qualifications, like level 3 first aid at work.

The Extended Curriculum
‘The Extended Curriculum’ ensures the holistic development of all students.
All students embark upon the reframe programme where they explore their past experiences and personal narratives. This forms the basis of their development of self-awareness and self-worth whilst building a sense of belonging in the wider society. This work provides the foundations for further engagement in the experiential curriculum.
Students undertake a two-year programme where they will access a variety of experiences at a local, regional and national level. This works to widen the experiences of students whilst building a greater understanding of the world they can access as well as contribute to.
Students experience the following at all three levels;
- Theatre and the Arts
- Holistic approach to living well
- Enterprise and Entrepreneurship
The framework for this experiential curriculum is delivered through the Arts Award accreditation system. Students, therefore, have the opportunity to further extend their qualifications.
The extended curriculum ensures that all students will have greater understanding of the world around them, the opportunities which exist and how to access them, how they can positively contribute to society and how they can progress as well rounded, independent, aspirational individuals who achieve a happy, healthy and safe lifestyle for a successful and better future.
A Pathway to Employment
The Gatsby benchmarking framework is used to drive the careers education programme, along with preparing for adulthood qualification.
Students receive individual, bespoke support to develop plans for future pathways/ routes to success and aspirations are raised through visits to Universities and Colleges (local and beyond).
Employers engage regularly with students to widen horizons as well as developing a greater understanding of the workplace and opportunities available.
Each student has access to high quality internships as an integral part of the curriculum, building a variety of work placed skills and experiences throughout their educational programme including access to industry level technology as part of their weekly educational curriculum.